“Every cloud has a silver lining.”
I believe that with continously developing ourselves we can reach our goals, because we are responsible for our own happiness. As a trainer and coach, I am particularly interested in developing myself and others every single day. Dreams can be turned into goals and action steps. I will walk you through these steps and help you to reach your goals and find your silver lining even if the sky is cloudy above you.
Inspirational Ideas
On the blog section you find 3 main categories:

Personal Effectiveness
Everything about personal effectiveness, organizing, time management, goal setting, prioritization.

Happiness & Emotions
Articles about positive psychology, happiness, emotional intelligence.

Silver Linings
Articles about how to get through difficulties, inspirational ideas for daily life, proven methods and techniques which can help your personal development.
My articles are about methods, techniques which either worked for me or I just simply find them interesting enough to share with you.
In 2018 I spoke about the importance of “3 days in pijamas” at the TEDxBenedekHegy conference in Veszprém.
Contact Me
If you need more specific help to reach your goals.