Silver Lining Ideas

Inspiritional ideas to reach your goals & find the silver linings of your clouds

Tag: presentation

Present with Confidence – 7+1 tips from TEDxBenedekHegy Speaker – Part 2

In my previous article I started to share with you some tips for speech preparation. You already know that you need to get to know your audience and the circumstances. You should become an expert of your topic even if you did not choose it. It is also important to prepare first the speech itself and only after the visual aids. What else can you do to prepare for your speech? Here are some more methods which have already worked for me.

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Present with Confidence – 7+1 tips from TEDxBenedekHegy Speaker – part 1

Nowadays it is not enough if you are good at something, you must be able to present it flawlessly as well. I was asked several times for job interviews to prepare a presentation as a prework for the interview. However according to some studies a huge percentage of people are actually fear more of public speaking than death. I believe that if you prepare properly and practise, you can be a master of presentations. Some of us feel more natural to be on the stage, others of us spend a lot of time practising to get used to it. But it is a skill which can be developed. You can develop too.

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