If you google goal setting you’ll find thousands of results about S.M.A.R.T. goals. This is a widely used and great method, often used also in corporate environment. However, it is misses a couple of aspects of goal setting. Here are my problems with SMART goals.
Tag: goalsetting

When the year-end is coming, many people start to think about what they accomplished during that year. It is a great opportunity to stop and do self-reflection. Whether you are a person who likes New Year’s resolutions and goalsetting or the person who prefers to live at the moment, self-reflection will definitely have positive impacts on you.

Procrastination: “the action of delaying or postoning something”. We all do it. Sometimes we postpone activities which has less priority, sometimes we postpone more important tasks.

Every year millions of people make new year resolutions in the first days of the year. Usually we want to be fitter, healthier and more successful. Whatever they mean. What makes a man successful? How would you define healthy? I prepared 3+3 special questions to close your year of 2018 and start a purposeful year of 2019.