Let’s try it to be sure!
A couple of years ago I saw my friends posting about #100happydays, and I decided to try it with a friend. Since we did not feel like sharing our private life details with everyone in the world, we modified the original challenge. Instead of posting everything on the social media, we sent e-mails to each other with pictures and with a short explanation. Every day for 100 days in a row we found at least a moment of happiness, satisfaction or joy. The project was so successful that I decided to repeat it with another friend next year and right now I am doing my 3rd challenge!
Why is this challenge so magical?
Even if you consider yourself an optimistic person, you might face difficulties, when it’s hard to notice the positive moments. The 100 happy days projects help you to focus on the good things in your life and also to appreciate the little moments of joy.
What is behind its magic?
I usually started the project when I was unsatisfied with my life. It is simply amazing that even after a couple of days I started to search for things I can write about. It is not always easy, but the point is to find them. After a long day when I felt that everything was rubbish, I just think, no, I must do something which makes me happy in order to be able to post something for the project. Of course, it’s not only for my project, but it works. Reflecting and appreciating what you already have can significantly increase your satisfaction.
My post for today: day 11
Today I created a Facebook page to write a blog which I’ve been planning for years now. I decided not to wait for the perfect opportunity and plan out every detail, just do it.
Photo: check my new Facebook page
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